

TOGU CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION for Facebook & Instagram competitions

Organizer of the competition is TOGU GmbH in D-83209 Prien am Chiemsee. Ust-ID-No.: DE291838301 according to §27a UStG. By participating in TOGU competitions, the user accepts the following conditions of participation: The prizes of this competition will be announced in the respective competition post. The prize will be awarded as advertised in the competition. A…

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Lumbar spine syndrome: training for a strong back

A strong and healthy back is crucial for an active and pain-free life. But unfortunately, many people suffer from lower back discomfort, particularly in the lumbar spine. Lower back syndrome, also known as lumbar spine syndrome, can lead to pain, limitations and an impaired quality of life. But there is hope: with targeted training and…

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Relax the neck: Exercises for the neck

Tension in the neck can be very unpleasant and have various causes. From incorrect posture and lack of exercise to stress and illness, there are many factors that can lead to neck tension. However, there are several ways to relax the neck. This article will present some effective exercises and tips to relieve and prevent…

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Increase concentration for productive work

Imagine you are sitting at your desk and have to complete an important task. You are motivated and start full of energy, but after a short time your concentration starts to wane. You start to get distracted and lose focus. Do you know this? Concentration is one of the most important skills at work, but…

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Gymnastics mat in test: find your suitable mat

An active and healthy lifestyle is of great importance at any age. Especially in old age, regular exercise can help keep the body fit and healthy while alleviating or even preventing possible ailments. The use of gymnastics mats is an important factor in this regard in order to exercise safely and comfortably. But choosing the…

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Ball games and play balls for children

Ball games are very important for the development of children. They promote motor skills, coordination and help strengthen social skills. There are different types of play balls. Each play ball has its advantages and disadvantages and is suitable for different age groups and areas of application. In this article you will learn more about them…

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Balance boards in physiotherapy

Balance boards are training devices used in physical therapy to improve balance, stability and coordination. Balance training can promote muscular stability and coordination, prevent injuries, and aid in recovery. In this article, you will learn how balance boards are effectively used for balance training in physical therapy. What is meant by balance boards? Balance boards…

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What to do for tension in the neck?

Neck tension is a common problem that affects many people. They are often the result of long hours in front of the computer or poor posture. But stress and psychological strain can also lead to tension. In this article we will look at what to do about neck tension and how to relieve it. What…

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What are fitness bands and how are they used?

Fitness bands, also known as exercise bands, resistance bands or resistance bands, are a popular exercise tool for fitness enthusiasts. But what exactly are exercise bands and how are they used? In this article we will explain everything you need to know. What are exercise bands? Exercise bands are elastic bands made of rubber, latex…

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What is fascial training?

Fascia training is a training concept that aims to strengthen and stretch the connective tissue in the body. Fascia is a type of collagen connective tissue that surrounds and protects muscles, bones and organs. Through targeted fascial training, one can improve the flexibility, mobility and performance of the body. There are several methods and techniques…

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Treat trigger points yourself with the TOGU Actiball Relax

rDo you also know this, the muscles feel shortened, e.g. you can’t stretch your arm upwards properly anymore? Do you have pain in the muscles and does it radiate? When you stroke the muscle in question, you feel small lumps in the muscle tissue? Then it is time for a trigger point treatment. These small…

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Prevention in handball training

Handball is a fast, dynamic and physically demanding sport that continues to enjoy high popularity. Players must be able to meet the athletic demands of this sport and are therefore exposed to a high risk of injury. Therefore, athletic training in handball should include a high injury prevention component.   The most common serious injury…

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Balance cushion for dogs – effective muscle training with TOGU

Balance cushions for dogs – what are they suitable for? Have you ever stood on a balance cushion or balance board yourself? Then you will quickly understand the effect of such a device. But for those who may not have had contact with it yet: Balance cushions are inflated with air. The more firmly the…

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Experiencing nature – how children learn movement with all their senses

Symposium “fit and smart – children move their future”- The annual conference “fit und pfiffig – kinder bewegen ihre zukunft” (fit and smart – children move their future) in Hamburg is a training highlight for children’s gymnastics. In the 16th edition on 11.02.2023 the federation for gymnastics and spare time sets as an organizer the…

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Workout Inspiration: Hula-Tire and Redondo®Ball

Note: Activation of the abdominal muscles Before you start hulling, you should be able to consciously tense the abdominal muscles without a hoop. Inspiration – full body workout with the hoop The fitness hula-tire is a real all-rounder. A variety of exercises activate and train the entire body. Hula workouts can be made even more…

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33rd Bavarian State Gymnastics Festival 2023

Diversity, experience, community. Regensburg stands on its head! From April 28 to May 01, 2023, the Bavarian Gymnastics Association together with the city of Regensburg invites you to the 33rd Bavarian State Gymnastics Festival in Regensburg, combining sports, show, culture and education for five days. In a variety of competitions, participatory activities and events according…

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Healthy back – why is it so important?

Back pain is the number one common disease. Most people suffer from back, hip and shoulder pain these days, and often the cause is an “imbalance” in the body’s statics. Therefore, healthy posture plays a crucial role in a healthy back. An upright posture relieves the spine and avoids unnecessary pressure on the intervertebral discs…

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Sensomotoric training – an important component!

1.1      Definition Sensor system: Absorption of information from the environment and its transmission to the central nervous system. Motor activity: Control and the resulting tension of the musculature. -> Sensorimotor function is an interplay between the reception and processing of sensory information and the reaction of the musculature and the musculoskeletal system to this information.…

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Conditions of participation Instagram raffle

Conditions of participation for Instagram raffles Organizer of the competition is TOGU GmbH in D-83209 Prien am Chiemsee. Ust-ID-Nr.: DE291838301 according to §27a UStG together with Winshape GmbH in 53859 Niederkassel. By participating in TOGU Instagram raffles, the user accepts the following conditions of participation: 1. the prizes of this raffle will be advertised in…

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Therapy Munich 28 – 30.11.2022

The therapie MÜNCHEN is a trade fair and congress for therapy and medical rehabilitation and is aimed at physiotherapists, occupational therapists, sports therapists and masseurs.   The Therapie München is held at the Munich trade fair center in parallel with ISPO. It follows the example of therapie LEIPZIG with a combination of professional and practical…

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30 years warranty for selected products

Durable TOGU products – before you break them, they beat you up!               Anyone who has ever trained with TOGU equipment knows that these wobbly pieces can really take a beating – and not just for a season. TOGU’s goal is to develop and manufacture products that promote health…

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