Lumbar spine exercises
Find here the recommended Trainingschart.
The lower part of the spine is called lumbar spine. In the human body it consists of five vertebras (lumbar vertebra). It carries a high load because of the upright posture and is the basis for the trunk. Quite often painful irritations can occur. What is commonly known as spinal pain, can be disorders ranging from simple muscle pain syndromes to a damage of the intervertebral discs with neurological malfunctions. Strength exercises reinforce the spinal musculature and motion relieves the intervertebral discs while stimulating blood circulation. Through the deployment of the TOGU limbar spine device set, the training stimulus is even more intensified. Use the airfilled and therefore instable base not only for improving your balance but also for your nervous system and deep lying musculature around your spine, which provides stability.
The 15-minute knee program, which has been developed by Dr. Sommer, physician of the National German Snowboard Team, and which you can download online here, contains such exercises. It can also be performed by untrained people.
No matter whether you are using the Healthy Training Program for prevention or only after a health problem has occurred. If any medical conditions arise please always consult your physician or physio therapist. Healthy Training offers a solution, that you can apply alongside a therapy in everyday life. Additional devices, which you will find in this category are also suitable for the application in this field.