Using the Actiball® Relax Thermo to relieve pain

The term fascia comes from Latin and means "band or bundle". The fascia consists among other parts of collagen fibers, water and various adhesives. This combination ensures elasticity and lubricity. The organs and muscles thus can easily be moved.
 Fascia is interspersed with nerve fibers and have a direct connection to the autonomic nervous system. They can also be described as "outposts of the autonomic nervous system." The autonomic nervous system controls vital functions such as breathing, digestion, the heart, etc. The state of mind has a mentionable influence on the tension of the fascia. This has the result that it may cause an injury faster at an elevated state of stress. Also, the mobility depends on the tonus state of the fascia. Surgerys, relieving postures and unfavorable stress harden the fascia. The stretchable elastin shares decrease and the tough collagen to. There is an increased pressure on the joints and intervertebral discs. Through a decreased lubricity of the tissue reduces the flexibility. Fascial roller can be used in therapy and training. Fascia produce stretch tension forces and pass them on. The more elastic the fascia, the more power transmission (energy-return effect) can take place. The fascia shape our body. They are the variable base matrix and adapt to different strains of the body. Connect the whole body together. A bonded fascial structure in lower leg often pulls on the upper leg to the back and possibly even further up to the shoulder.The structure of the fascia is treatable. The Actiball® Relax Thermo - made in Germany - is the new massage ball with a special thermo-gel filling. Due to the pleasant - 100% skin-friendly - design it adapts to your body during the application. In the heated state it can give regeneration, massage and relaxed feeling. Ideal after a long day´s work or relaxation in between. Due to the soft surface the massage effect is even smoother. Improve your flexibility and agility with little time effort. Ensure a long-lasting solution of stress, increase blood circulation and your well-being.     Usage in the neck:
  • Start: on the floor or on the mat, lying on the back
  • Execution: Place the heated Actiball Relax Thermo (see instructions for use) under the neck.
  • Slowly move the head from side to side and mobilize the cervical spine
For heating use your microwave or a water bath. Cooling can be done in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!). Please follow carefully the instructions for use.  

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