- Blood circulation in the brain is improved
- Dendrites are multiplied
- Synapse surface is increased
- Additional synaptic boutons are formed
- Lesser used synapses are incorporated (applied)
- Myelin sheaths improve
- Information processing and integration improves
- Deterioration due to non-use or ageing is slowed or reversed
- Improved equilibrium
- Improved reactivity
- Improved speed
- Improved muscle strength
- Improved brain and memory fitness
- Improved surefootedness and agility
- Recommended for osteoarthritis sufferers
Aero-Step® Pro allows any user of any age to easily create valuable sensorimotor stimuli, and thus achieve countless positive aspects of change.
An air-filled, dynamic base
We talk about an “unstable base” when a (stable) board can move in one or more directions (unstable). This concept has been known in physiotherapy for many years – and is represented by various balancing boards.
The terms “unstable” or “dynamic” refer to an air-filled base. The quicker the response of the base to a change in weight distribution, the faster the response needed from the nervous system of the user, i.e. the requirements are high, which means training effects will be quick.
The response of Aero-Step Pro – because it is filled with air – is very different from that of a training tool filled with soft material. Soft material, be it stacked mats or mats of varying thickness, are slow to respond – and sometimes you simply sink. That alone makes them inadequate for specific exercise types like abdominals, wrists, laterals, etc. Their softness is neither helpful nor a challenge; instead, it can be a hindrance (e.g. bending stress for abdominal exercises).
The quick response of air-filled training equipment is a great challenge on the one hand, and on the other a highly efficient tool to improve sensorimotor function during training.
The clear advantage of Aero-Step Pro is its versatility; virtually any exercise can be performed or based on it while standing, sitting, lying down, or kneeling. It can be used at any age: creating a “balancing route” for kids, as a training tool for amateur and professional athletes, to promote and improve physical balance and synaptic function for senior citizens in studio-based classes or at home – in short: virtually anyone can benefit from using the Aero-Step Pro.
A new and improved production process now allows using both sides of the Aero-Step Pro.