TOGU Ski Trainer - Prepare yourself to ski

Improve your coordinative skills and deeper laying musculature - before winter arrives.

Winter sports such as skiing and cross-country skiing are a lot of fun. Your favorite sport will be even more fun, if you start fit and well prepared into the new season. You can train your strength, coordination and balance perfectly at home or in your gym with the new TOGU Ski Trainer. The Ski Trainer is a proven training tool for many top athletes and in use at Olympic sports clubs and sports federations. Train like the pros and start safely and healthy into the new season. SkiTrainer_1_web Telemark exercise - in the ankle step, train ankle, knee and hip Skitrainer_anw_2_web Downhill Squat - knee bend for advanced "2 minutes Kandahar" Skitrainer_anw_4_web Full body exercise trains the legs, trunk and upper body Skitrainer_anw_5_web Lower arm support with alternately raised and extended leg Skitrainer_anw_1_web To the product Find more exercises on our Youtube Channel      

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