Strengthen your muscles - Stay fit

The "Day of the Back Health" will take place on March 15, 2019. Under the motto "Strengthen your muscles - Stay fit!" numerous events, actions and workshops are offered throughout Germany. An important topic for a healthy, strong back is active-dynamic sitting. Our body is not focused on sitting but on moving. Nevertheless, we can not avoid spending most of our time sitting in our daily life, school and work environments. For this reason, ergonomics, doctors and scientists recommend, for example, in the context of the Action Healthy Back (AGR e.V.) "Dynamic Sitting". With the air-filled Dynair® Ballkissen® you can achieve this. The air filling results in a dynamic surface. The necessary compensatory movements improve coordination and balance as well as the interaction of the muscular and nervous systems. [gallery size="medium" ids="7762,7815,7813"] General and Sports Medicine Dr. med. Gerrit Sommer, who train the German national snowboard team, praises TOGU's Original Ballkissen®: "Thanks to its functional shape and dynamic adjustment, the Original Dynair® Ballkissen® can prevent back complaints by moving sitting. Moving sitting activates muscles stabilizing the hips, training the balance and avoiding static incorrect posture. " Ideal for use in all movement, back and training programs is the small deep muscle trainer Brasil®. The set of 2 with exercise instructions by Gabi Fastner is also awarded the AGR seal of quality. Ask your provider about the new Brasil® workout programs especially for a strong back. [gallery size="medium" ids="7773,7769,7771"] The action day is traditionally organized by Aktion Gesunder Rücken (AGR) e. V. and the Federal Association of German Back Schools (BdR) e. V.

Text: TOGU GmbH

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