by Denise Müller, Grad. Sports Scientist
A long drive, plane trip or wrong sitting position during a train ride... And there it is: the “stiff neck“! Who hasn’t experienced it. Particularly during the holiday season - the most beautiful time of the year - we suffer from neck tension and tight upper back muscles. Adverse sitting or even sleeping positions invoke tension in the upper part of the spine and then torment us for most of our holidays. The affected muscles in this area have constantly been tightened unfavourably or particularly overstretched. The blood circulation in the area is reduced. The muscle metabolism is infringed, and structures begin to harden. Such wrong movements favour tension and even blockades. Particularly during long drives you should pay special attention to a straight sitting position and, where appropriate, sufficient support for your head when sleeping. Naturally, you should then also have a “relaxed” stay at the beach or pool! Happyback Relax-Nex is perfectly suitable due to its velvety soft and washable material. The needle valve allows for individual height adjustment and guarantees a relaxed neck when sunbathing and reading.