Product Highlights at MEDICA 2013

TOGU presented their product highlights for 2014 at the international medical trade fair MEDICA in Düsseldorf between November 20 and 23, 2013. The  Jumper® Pro balance trainer and the new Jumper® Pro Plate will allow an even more varied training when used together. The Dynair® Comfort Wedge Ballkissen® comes with a new and effective relief zone, and the Balanza® Ballstep® Group was designed specifically for the use in groups in mind. Healthier and more diverse training – with the Jumper® Pro When using the Jumper® Pro by TOGU, the impact of the jump is absorbed by the user, just like a trampoline effect, and it is suitable for use in the studio or at home. It trains balance, facilitates strength and endurance training, and is absolutely safe to use. The Jumper bears the AGR quality seal awarded by Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V., an organisation promoting healthy posture for a healthy back. The optional Jumper® Pro Plate creates a flat surface on the reverse. It allows the physiologically correct placement of the sole of the foot, and creates additional training variations. For a healthy seated posture – the new Dynair® Comfort Wedge Ballkissen® This perfect companion for the office, at home, and on the go is an ergonomically shaped and adaptable air-filled cushion for active and agile sitting. It promotes balance, strengthens the back muscles, and can help alleviate back pain. The wedge shape of the Dynair® Comfort Wedge Ballkissen® helps support an upright posture, while at the same time creating a stable seat feeling with a combined balancing effect. The strain relief zone has been revised for more effectiveness, and the new softer material offers additional comfort. For healthy group training – Balanza® Ballstep® Group The Balanza range is all about balance.  The challenge here is to find and maintain balance on a stable wooden platform that is mounted on top of several air-filled balls. The result is an effective full-body training that strengthens deep muscles and helps promote balance. The new Balanza® Ballstep® Group is an addition to the existing product range and is designed specifically for group-based training. It offers more stability, control, and a variety of additional training options. It even allows joint-friendly and safe jumps.  

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