Pilates4Mobility - Pilate training to feel good with Redondo® Ball

Pilate training to feel good with Redondo® Ball

Pilates training promotes muscle strength, especially that of the deep muscles, it supports the balance and the perception of the body and allows a deep, relaxed breathing. This in turn can reduce stress and have a positive effect on the psyche. Mobility can increase and thus compensatory movements in everyday life and sport can be reduced. This results in an improvement of the inter- or intracoordination, so the interaction in the muscle or the muscles with each other. The posture can become more upright because the muscles do not have to work against each other. Below is an example of this from sports and everyday life. A runner who is constantly fighting against imbalances, e.g. Getting up against shortened abdominal muscles while running will tire you out faster. This also applies to a person who is constantly bent or sitting in front of his or her face in everyday life. If the back muscles are under constant, high tension, the erection will also be difficult. In addition, the bent position often has a negative effect on the psyche. If we go upright through life, we have a correspondingly positive effect on others and usually feel more relaxed and comfortable ourselves.

The concept "Pilates4Mobility" with the Redondo®Ball additionally focuses on the neuromuscular level.

The focus is on conscious movements. Goal setting this u.a. mobilizing, invigorating, myofascial stretching, thus affecting the muscle and the fascial tissue and relaxing. Tension phases change continuously with active and passive relaxation elements. The practitioner should consciously experience and allow relaxation. This is to achieve improved mobility through the reduction of tension in the muscles. Combined with the Redondo®Ball, a variety of exercise variations are possible and the motivation factor increases. For example, starting positions and stretching positions can be facilitated, deeper relaxation can be achieved or additional muscles can be stressed. Below a small insight with reduced neck load. The Pilates principles are to be observed! So Pilate training becomes feel-good training!

"Start the training with an inner smile"


Unroll and let the hull relax over the ball. Feel the back! Carry out small movements with the arms alternately towards the ground. Feel the pelvic area! Slowly turn the head to both sides without tension of the neck muscles, say "No". Cover the ball and roll up.


The head is in the right hand! While breathing out, "pump down" with your left hand. After about 20 pump movements, change hands and do the same number of repetitions. Subsequently:

"Stretching Frontal"

Put the upper back on the ball. The legs are set and the hands support the head. Inhaling gently stretch the upper body over the ball and allow maximum relaxation when exhaling.

„Lateral Cross“

The hands support the head, the right leg stretch out, both thighs are parallel. From the waist up turn to the right and luff once. Approximately 3 - 5 repetitions, then change sides.

„Spine Stretch“

Put the ball on your thighs. Hands on the ball, thumbs up. Alternatively bent, spread legs, the ball in between. Roll the cervical and thoracic spine, the pelvis remains upright. Breathe consciously in the stretching and push the ball a little further with mini movements. (Stretching back). Flex the knees slightly and move the pelvis back and forth alternately left and right. (Feel the pelvis!)

„Flying 8“

Lay the head on the extended arm in a lateral position. The upper leg rests on the ball. Lift the lower leg and draw several eights back and forth with the thigh. Subsequently:


Starting position "Flying 8", but put both hands on the back of the head, the elbows on top of each other. Exhale the upper body to the other side. Linger a few deep breaths in the stretch and relax!

"Neck stretching"

Slide the ball aside with your left hand, place your ear to your right shoulder and slowly turn your eyes towards your shoulder. Turn the hand with the arm stretched out on the ball several times and notice the change in the neck area.

"Combination shoulder, arms"

Pinch the ball between the stomach and thigh. Lower the buttocks towards the heels. Stretch the stretched arms backwards and turn them out of the shoulder several times at the same time. Turn the palms up and carefully close and open the fist several times. Beware of knee problems, then do the exercise while standing! author Claudia Hölzl  

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