News from the KNS

For all who want to refresh their backs school license or want to know the latest fitness trends, on 12th and 13th of November 2016, will be held a large convention, in the KNS the Gym, Sport & Dance Acadamy.

DGymB and TOGU organize an advanced training weekend.

You have the choice:
  • back specialist refresher renewing KddR-back school license (A) Workplace Health Promotion (15UE / Sat + Sun)     
  • Convention to meet new trends and stay up to date (B) TRENDS & MORE - TOGU DAY (7UE / Sa)     
  • Training, marketing as gymnastics teacher and the certification of your courses in the ZPP (C) Modern marketing strategies for gymnastics and sports teacher (8UE / Sun) >> B + C can be combined to extend the KddR-back school license!
Be there and stay up to date! Please register here! KNS_Convention_muenchen   Merken Merken

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