New book by Gabi Fastner
Functional figure training - Ballkissen, Brasil, Powerball
If you don't move you won't get anywhere!
When we see that participants enjoy coming to our courses, and are motivated to come back the following week, we realise that we're doing something right!
It is important to make training fun, and this is especially easy with small equipment which makes people want more. Good examples are the Dynair® Ballkissen® Senso®, the TOGU Brasil®s and the Powerball®. These products are all very appealing, have a pleasant feel, and are the perfect aids for functional figure training.
With functional figure training you stay physically and mentally young thanks to more body awareness, strong and quickly reactive muscles, and a well-proportioned figure!
Invest in your knowledge, your health, and the health of your participants.
Many different exercises guarantee a diverse workout. You can put the exercises together in various combinations to make a completely personal functional figure training workout.
More info about the book can be found here
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