Movement Street instead of seating marathon

by Beate Missalek

Our everyday working life increasingly features long periods of sitting. Stretching occasionally, loosening up or taking the stairs instead of the lift gets your mind and body moving again, and is always important. "Movement should be integrated into the working world and not only happen in the evenings", says Anja Kirig, trend researcher and co-author of the "Sportivity" study. She sees great potential in the offers of company health schemes, as the division between job and life is becoming increasingly less defined. The Movement Street brings sport into the office. The fact that it is always available and achieves results in just a short time are motivating factors which mean that the 5 exercises are more likely to be done regularly. The selection of exercises is designed in such a way that the muscles are loosened, the head is cleared and the sense of togetherness is strengthened. "After just a short introduction, employees can do the exercises themselves, and the unstable support surfaces mean that postural awareness is increased", says Beate Missalek, owner of Movedu health management and developer of the Movement Street. Whether in the morning, afternoon or at the end of the working day, each person does the exercises when it suits them; flexibly and independent of fixed appointments or gym hours - the modern version of movement breaks.


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