Home workout - Bodystyling with Brasil®

Fitness professional Gabi Fastner has put together a program Bodystyling with Brasil®, which is really and takes little time. The training with the Brasil invigorates the organism, provides for more fitness, strengthens the muscles around the spine, improves the posture and tightens the connective tissue. Also, improve your body awareness and coordinating skills. The special extra: arms and shoulders are modeled and defined! The intelligent filling of air and weight offers you a specific movement feedback (shake effect). Deep muscle training for the health and figure. Firming effects and preventative back training through minimal movement amplitude. Uncomplicated and effective even with 5 minutes training a day. Protects the joints due to the low weight: 270 g each. Ergonomically designed. Tested and recommended by “Forum Gesunder Rücken - besser leben e.V.” (Healthy Back Forum – Better Living) and the “Bundesverband der deutschen Rückenschulen (BdR) e.V.” (Federal Association of German Back Therapy Training). German Training DVD [gallery size="medium" ids="6174,6175,6176"] Exercise for strengthening the lateral trunk and leg muscles as well as the deep abdominal and back muscles
  • Kneel
  • The supported hand, knee and foot form a line
  • Now guide the raised arm and free leg towards each other and away from each other.
  • Later on in the exercise, keep the leg raise and carry out mini moves with the arm.
  • Strengthening of the lateral trunk and leg muscles, strengthening of the deep abdominal and back muscles.

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