Gymnastics in the office with TOGU Brasil

Due to their handy size the Brasil® can be deposited on the desk. Only when a device is within reach is it used regularly. Ask yourself or your course participants: How many devices do you have that are stored in a corner or cupboard and never used?

So, let´s start your training with TOGU Brasil

Mini Moves: Feeling and activating the deep muscles that stabilize your body in rotation, lateral tilt and bending/stretching. We achieve this by fast, short hacking movements. Execute the mini moves for approx. 10 - 40 seconds with a force expenditure of less than 30% of your individual maximum force and a movement amplitude of approx. 15 cm.

Here you can find some exercise examples:

1. seat - loll and stretch Note: Open your hands Mobilization of the entire spine and shoulder   2. seat - swing the arms next to the body against each other Note: Leave the shoulder belt loose. [gallery link="none" columns="2" size="medium" ids="8314,8312"] Mobilisation of the shoulder   3. seat - the Brasil single or simultaneously trough and catch. Note: Brasil come up quietly on the ground and can´t break. [gallery link="none" columns="2" size="medium" ids="8318,8316"] coordination training   4. seat - Take Brasil in your hand and grasp firmly, then open and close your fingers step by step. Note: Try to coordinate both hands at the same time. [gallery link="none" columns="2" size="medium" ids="8322,8320"] Mobilisation of the finger joints   5. seat - perform mini moves with bent arms in opposite direction high/low Note: The wrists are fixed! [gallery link="none" columns="2" size="medium" ids="8326,8324"] Activation of the deep back and abdominal muscles   6. seat - palms pointing upwards. Move Brasil dynamically from one side to the other. Note: The shoulder follows the movement. Pay attention to the abdominal tension. [gallery link="none" columns="2" size="medium" ids="8330,8328"] Strengthening the abdominal muscles

Source: Training book Brasil, Gabi Fastner Meyer & Meyer Sports

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