Focusing on the fasciae in training and therapy

Focusing on the fasciae in training and therapy International TOGU Day on 6 April to start off FIBO 2016 in Cologne

This year, FIBO, the International Trade Fair for Fitness, Wellness and Health, will take place in Cologne from 7 to 10 April. One day before the start of the trade fair, on 6 April 2016, the specialist for air-filled training and therapy equipment from Prien on the Chiemsee is organising an industry meeting in the congress centre of Cologne Trade Fair. The International TOGU Day has become a popular training and networking event. TOGU will present a diverse theoretical and practical programme around the subject "Focusing on the fasciae in training and therapy" to experts from the specialist industry as well as to its partners. web_TOGU3808   "The TOGU Day is a particularly promising start to the FIBO. The combination of theoretical presentations and practical workshops makes the products tangible and their area of application understandable", says Dr Robert Schleip, Director of the Fascia Research Group, Ulm University. He will give a presentation on "Targeted trainability of the fasciae: What does current research say?": "The fact that most of today's sports injuries - caused by overuse - affect the collagen fibre system, has, in the past few years, triggered targeted research into the ideal trainability of the muscular connective tissue." The interactive presentation includes an update of the current research status, differentiating between facts based on evidence and plausible speculations. "I am looking forward to an interesting and varied TOGU Day", says Schleip. web_TOGU3575  

Interesting presentations will demonstrate the current scientific status

The focus of the TOGU Day is not only on practical application options. In between the individual workshops, different speakers will give interesting presentations on the current issue. This year's guests include Dr Robert Schleip (Director of the Fascia Research Group, Ulm University), Gabi Fastner (Trainer and speaker for fitness and gymnastics) and Christoph Stumpf (Physiotherapist and Baltic-Physio practice owner). The presentations will analyse the current scientific status in the field of fascia research as well as conclusions arising from this for training and therapy.

The "Get-together" of the specialist industry

TOGU will not only be an exhibitor at the FIBO in Hall 7, Stand B03. One day earlier, on 6 April 2016, the premium manufacturer and specialist for air-filled training and therapy equipment is organising the International TOGU Day in the congress centre of Cologne Trade Fair. The event specifically targets trainers and functionaries from the areas of movement, health, fitness and sports. The company will present a diverse programme to about 200 specialists on the subject "Focusing on the fasciae in training and therapy". In addition to theoretical contributions, numerous and different pieces of TOGU training equipment, which will be used during the practically orientated presentations, are available to the participants.

Fascia training is receiving more attention and revolutionises sports

Thanks to medical research, this topic is becoming increasingly tangible, enriching sports and fitness. Because every body structure is surrounded by fasciae. This connective tissue is very important for an athlete's performance as well as for prevention and rehabilitation. A well-trained and integrated fascia network affects strength development and transmission, it optimises the resilience of tendons and ligaments and prevents muscle injury. TOGU has developed flexible and innovate sports products for the appropriate training. The air-filled Actiroll® is the first fascia roll where the degree of firmness can be adjusted seamlessly, by pump, to the needs of the individual user. These and other products can be tested comprehensively on the TOGU Day.   web_TOGU3701   Contact: TOC Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG Moritz Lembeck/Michael Scharnagl

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