FASZIO - holistic fascia training

FASZIO® is a modern, holistic fascial training for functional performance and expressive joy of movement!

FASZIO® translates current scientific findings into movement: The varied, multidirectional training gives impulses, demands the whole body, all the senses, the emotional expression and orientates itself to the requirements of an healthy everyday life. Get out of the comfort zone and back to the roots of natural Joy of movement and variety of training.

The 7 strategies are the core of the FASZIO® training concept. With this comprehensive Training supports all functions of the fascia, keeps it healthy, resilient, and and vital. The concept FASZIO® - Holistic fascial training also has the influence of lifestyle, emotional connections and therapeutic possibilities.

For this purpose, a broadly based team of experts is available, in which each individual with his or her own focus contributes to the comprehensive, interdisciplinary consideration of fasciae.

FASZIO®-Training is variation in space, time and intensity.

The more varied and unusual the training, the more effective. The stronger the impulses the greater the increase in performance. FASZIO® trains and takes into account all aspects of a healthy and effective fascia training. Preserve ligaments and tendons higher elasticity and elasticity, more powerful high-speed force. Connective tissue can be tightened by high suppleness and impulsive movements. Muscle building in motion brings functional strength in the transmission pathways. This is combined with the loosening of blockades and times for regeneration. Diverse and unusual requirements train perception and promote Stability, fitness and movement competence.

Training method:

  • Full-body use and variety of movement (Faszie loves variety)
  • Requirements and stimuli (Fascia grows with its tasks)
  • Stretching and release (fascia reacts to pressure and tension)
  • 7 strategies to ensure that all aspects are considered and trained

Training goals:

  • Health: The condition of the fascia is crucial for the quality of metabolic processes, immune system and reaction ability.
  • Fitness: Physical performance depends directly on the state of fitness of the body. Faszie together.
  • Personality: If you dare to leave your comfort zone, you will discover your and strengthens his weaknesses.
  • Charisma: Emotions are reflected externally through fascia.

Target groups
Healthy fascia is needed by all!

  • In the womb and in the early childhood important components of the fascia are used. which have to serve partially even as stock for the remaining life.
  • As a baby, toddler, teenager the fascia tissue collects all the experiences in order to to be prepared for "survival" in adulthood. From this information among other things, movement competence, stability, body awareness, self-awareness grow, ceactivity and instinct.
  • The adult human being needs to be able to perform well, maintain health and recovery the access to a fully functional fascia, especially because a the versatile tasks of the fascia wither away. Also on the psychological level, the fascia played an important role in positive thinking, feelings of happiness and calmness in everyday life and in spontaneous situations as well as in a courageous approach to challenges.
  • Seniors benefit from the preservation of their freedom of movement and stay in the home for a long time. A youthful appearance is created by vitalized cells and a large reserve of energy for joie de vivre.

FASZIO® Philosophy

  • Know what you're doing, then you can do whatever you want.
  • We value, respect and use all our differences.
  • We pass on knowledge and health so that everyone understands and implements it. can.
  • With knowledge and understanding of movement we bring people independent of age, Clothing size and constitution in motion at all levels.
  • We inspire across all professions for the specialist topic Fascias/FASZIO®, where the following stands out always the human being with his resources in the foreground.
  • FASZIO® = competent, versatile, holistic


Author: fascio

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