Fascial Coach Deep Ring

FASCIAL COACH Deep RING and the story...

In my work as a Fascial Coach a desire developed for a tool that relaxes the cervical spine problem and also activates the deep-set muscles. In short, I dreamed of a "thing" with an internal imbalance and more than 500 grams in weight. I shared my idea with the TOGU team, who have supported me so well with my FASCIAL COACH Ball and hopefully continue to produce it many times over. They worked quickly and sent me the first prototype, still without imbalance, but different difficulty. A ring was meanwhile the "thing-idea" big enough to be placed over the feet / hands or with e.g. Towel on the head to find space. My customers were my "victims" from now on. They bravely tested what I tried on exercises with catchy positive feedbacks. I was not convinced yet, because the imbalance was missing. But also this problem was solved, because many bullets with a total weight of 1,5Kg fulfilled after a short time exactly this purpose. Thus, the prototypes were insulted in the corner without imbalance. My "victims" or better, anyone who picked up the ring was reluctant to put it aside. There seems to be a bit of childhood in this tool. I was completely excited and was looking for a suitable name. The properties of promoting perception, as a sensorimotor training device to allow countless exercises or train train and acceleration really well to train the body's own power potential helped him to his name FASCIAL COACH "Deep Ring".

It has been produced since mid-October.

I'm really looking forward to many different exercises with my new tool. He is in fact almost 30 cm wide with a ball filling of 1,500 grams and a proven Rutonhülle a product Made in Germany. The use can be as described above: Promote perception, because the run of the balls is felt at contact points with the body. The receptors of the skin and the superficial fascial layer are stimulated. Train sensors, because the imbalance of the balls reflexively promotes the small muscle groups. The receptors of the muscle shells and partner structures are stimulated. Increase power can be promoted by appropriate acceleration and lever change, especially in the trunk area. Affect mobility positively, not least because it benefits from a good fine-tuning between our receptors and the brain (ultimate center of movement). Improve coordination as a core goal, as a well-coordinated coordination allows a functional muscle-fascia nervous system. And this healthy system will not cause any structural pain, or reduce it over the long term. Those who are not yet convinced of this DEEP RING, or would like to have ideas for working with the ring ... In 2019 follows the daily workshop "FASCIAL COACH DEEP". A whole day with the "DEEP RING" as a course concept, with many suggestions also for the training therapy and the personal training. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT! I AM HAPPY- THANKS TOGU! Author: Nici Mende  

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