DTB movement expert in geriatric care with TOGU® devices

The German Gymnastics Federation (DTB) is one of the largest providers in the field of "fitness and health sports" in Germany. Within its DTB academy, which operates nationwide, training for instructors, trainers and motor skills at the highest quality level has been offered and carried out for over 20 years. Recently, within a modular series, the title "DTB movement expert in geriatric care" can be acquired. Thus, the demand for further education on the part of the geriatric care facilities is being met; because they are encouraged by the Prevention Act, to promote movement and mobility for the residents of institutions of inpatient care. The further education courses are therefore explicitly aimed at employees in geriatric care in the form of individually planned in-house training courses at the facility. The modules range from "activation while lying down and sitting", "promoting movement in osteoarthritis up to" fall prevention ". A competent team of experienced instructors teaches a lot of practical exercises besides the theoretical contents. In practice, it became clear that TOGU® devices are very popular. The classic Redondo® ball quickly became a favorite because it is particularly suitable for a creative extension of the movement repertoire, has a pleasant feel and is easy to store. If you are interested in training, please visit www.dtb-akademie.de

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