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tested and recommended by "Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V." (Healthy Back Initiative)  [gallery link="file"]     The Dynair® Pro The Dynair Pro is the first Ballkissen to be combined with a stable plate. This means that it opens up even more possibilities for safe sensomotoric and coordination training in sport and therapy. What does it do? The Dynair Pro strengthens the muscles around the foot. It also trains other muscle groups at the same time, especially the leg muscles, and even works the back muscles. The Dynair Pro is also important in the area of fall prevention. The unstable underlay means that deeper muscle groups are used. How does it work? The Dynair Pro can be used as an unstable and  dynamic support surface for sensorimotor training and balance training, and is therefore very versatile. When training joint stability on an unstable underlay such as the Dynair Pro, three systems need to be activated: the nervous system, the muscles, and the tendons and ligaments. The small vibrations and movements created by the dynamic underlay must be balanced out by these components. If these are trained, the body can also automatically and unconsciously call on the control mechanisms in everyday life, for example on slippery ice or uneven ground, and thereby prevent injuries. The extra slip-resistant material of the Dynair Pro provides additional safety in training, and guarantees the required traction. For sport-specific exercises (e.g. football, gold, tennis, skiing etc), the Dynair Pro can be used in a set of two or in a row. Expert opinion from Meier Hape, sports physiotherapist, owner of the rehab centre Valznerweiher, assistant lecturer at the DOSB and member of the expert team at Fitness Robinson: "Because the Dynair Pro can be used as an unstable and dynamic support surface for both sensorimotor training and balance training, it has a lot of different uses. It is now used both in physiotherapy and in medical training therapy. In addition, the Dynair Pro is also used in the area of preventative training. Especially in the sport of golf, unstable and dynamic support surfaces are gaining increasing acceptance to help improve balance and coordination abilities. This simple training system is very popular with both patients and athletes. It should be part of every "coordination corner". Tip: "I think the Dynair Pro is a very practical piece of training equipment to prepare for football games. I use it both privately and in training. It can be easily integrated into warm-up exercises. I can use it on both sides. On the black, firm side it is similar to a Balance Board. The "soft" side, on the other hand, is like a Ballkissen. Standing on one leg on this is a real challenge. The training reward is a very stable ankle. This means that the risk of injury in sports can be greatly reduced, whether for football or hiking. The included training chart is very useful for selecting the right exercises." Tested and recommended by: "Gesunder Rücken - besser leben e.V." (Forum of Healthy Backs - live better) and the "Bundesverband der deutschen Rückenschulen e.V." (Federal Association of German Back Pain Prevention).

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