by Gabi Fastner
Our body is a minimalist. Anything that we don't dare do and don't do with age, will probably not be done again! But who wants to limit themselves this way and lose their love of an active life? Nobody!

My training for seniors is not gymnastics for sick people and invalids, but rather training which is not fundamentally different from training for younger age groups. Older people are often underestimated by their environment and even by themselves. But if it "clicks" in the brain then the body can often manage much more than you think!
And that's how it should be, because most of the time, at work, in leisure and sport you don't pay much attention to age. Truly sick people and very elderly people are naturally an exception, but minor ailments can be compensated with intelligent training and little aches can be worked past.
A new member doing a trial class in my gymnastics studio once said: "It's unbelievable how many different age groups take part in your classes." And she was right: the youngest was 15, the oldest 76. Both enjoyed themselves and could effectively do the training. And precisely that is the goal of this book! Learn how to design the training so that all participants get something from it and feel good!
The book includes important background information about sport with older people, lesson plans and many illustrated exercise ideas.
Stay active and flexible, and lead a more autonomous life.
With a little effort you can stay "50 for 20 years", all while having fun!
Here is more about the book.